Use coupon: SHOW for 10% off Through 11-20-2024!

Use coupon: SHOW for 10% off Through 11-20-2024!
All products are available at either Wyoming Sellers Market at 330 N Durbin in Casper or The Milk House Farmers Market at 67 S. 6th Ave in Mills, WY!
Please shoot an email with any questions to:!
Find exactly what you need from our expanding line of Grown in Wyoming Hemp!
Soothe that skin and those muscles with just the right variety of CBD salve - formulated for you!
Local Honey Infused with Locally Grown Hemp!
CBG-CBD 30 mg Gummies
Beard Oil - Keeps that beard soft and relieves itching!
Not only watch the field progress but see the various growing steps throughout the year. (Or growing pains even.) We want you to SEE the quality of CBD you are purchasing!
Find the most frequently asked questions about CBD here! Please feel free to shoot us a message if you still have questions!
We are a local grower in Wyoming that has taken our hemp grown in Casper from seed to products such as tinctures and salves.
Need help selecting a CBD product or finding a sustainable option? Send us a message!